Quick Information
The HOA Board and Sentry Management
Your Board and Sentry Management are aware of your need to know. This website is designed to inform HOA members and help us all maintain a wonderful neighborhood. We encourage you to browse it thoroughly, as it is a genuine effort to outline the state of your homeowner’s association and the various initiatives and activities in Bristol Heights.
Should you wish to communicate with the Board on any matter, please send an email to help@bristolheights.org. Otherwise send an email to Sentry Management at boise@sentrymgt.com or contact them by phone at (208) 323-1080.
CommunityPro Portal
It is important that ALL members of the Bristol Heights Neighborhood Association register for access to the CommunityPro Portal by navigating to
https://www.sentrymgt.com and clicking on My Account.
Detailed instructions for creating an account and accessing information in the Portal can be found in this document.
Check Out the Community Calendar
The Board has created a new Community Calendar, with information about events coming this year.
*If you're viewing the calendar on a mobile device, click on dates with small dots to view the events.
2024 Watering Schedule
Residents are REQUIRED to follow the Board-approved Watering Schedule to ensure proper pump function and adequate flow to all locations. Non-compliance may result in low pressure, pump shutdowns, unscheduled maintenance, and increased costs incurred by the Association.
Learn more on the Watering Page.