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Spring 2022 Updates

May 19, 2022

We are finally emerging from a unique start to the irrigation season.

We understand many have been patiently awaiting water pressure.  This year is unusual as Settlers Irrigation halted canal flow on 5/09/2022 to conserve water in the reservoirs. They restarted the flow on 5/18/2022.  Given the drought conditions, the need to conserve, and the short term weather outlook over that period, we applauded and accepted the shutdown decision by Settlers. Hopefully it will pay dividends at the end of the irrigation season.

Every year we start-up delicately and with inevitable problems.  Every year we explain that there are isolation valve leaks (individual homeowner responsibility) and often pump issues and main distribution lines to repair (HOA responsibility). 

Every year, getting all of those issues handled takes time – often a few weeks before the complex system is stable.


Effective 2:00 pm Thursday, May 19 the water is back on with cautious optimism. We are now in a renewed TESTING phase and will maintain flow until something else breaks or Settlers Irrigation closes the head-gates to the canals. 


Let’s understand the HOA’s priorities when something breaks in the system:

  1. MITIGATE PROPERTY DAMAGE! Halt the flooding.

  2. Coordinate efforts with appropriate responsible parties to resolve the issue.

  3. Keep everyone informed.


When the Association shuts down pressurized irrigation it is for a legitimate reason.  We post the OFF signs at the entrance to alert the community.  When it is back on, we post the ON signs. Patience is key. Irrigation water pressure is important, but it is not worthy of venting unwarranted frustration and vitriolic comments directed at the good people working the problem on the community’s behalf.

New Official Facebook Page: Bristol Heights Neighborhood Association

The Bristol Heights Neighborhood Association has created an official Facebook Page for communicating association news and official updates. You can Like or Follow this page by searching for @BHNAHOA or “Bristol Heights Neighborhood Association” on Facebook or going to . The private Bristol Heights Neighborhood Facebook Group continues to exist as a community forum. If you would like to be part of the group, you must reside in the Bristol Heights neighborhood and be approved to join through the regular Facebook request process. We remind residents to maintain civility on the Facebook group. 

Monument Renovation

We are working on proposals to do renovation work on the community’s Eagle entrance monuments and also our lampposts on both Bristol Heights Drive and N Bennington Drive.  During construction, the entrances will be a bit dark for some time.  We expect to put some holiday lights back up on select tree trunks as a temporary source of entry area lighting.  Your caution, patience, and understanding is appreciated.

New Tree and Shrub PlantingsAs everyone that lives here is aware, this season started with a good deal of structural pruning of common area trees – even several removals.  We are systematically planting new trees and renovating some planting areas.  Look for the corner of our Tapestry Park to evolve.  Work is already underway.  This will also include a first time “Lending Library” credit due largely to resident Kyler Wartman.  We’ll have him pen an update once it is entirely installed and stocked with books.


Architectural Control Submissions for Committee Review and Approval – Please HelpAs all owners should be aware, any alterations to your property require approval via the Association’s architectural control process.  Please understand that a review can require a minimum of two weeks.  Please plan accordingly if you are considering reroofing, painting, installing a shed, etc.  We understand that a common contractor tactic is to compel an owner to commit to an immediate mobilization (within a day or two) due to “prices will go up” or “my next opening is in two months”.  Best to get it right with prior approval.  Having to replace a roof or redo a paint job because it would not have been approved and is not acceptable is very expensive!  Please protect your interests and the community’s interests at large by complying with the process.  Please visit our ACC Page for more information and to access forms. 

“Walk and Talk Wednesdays”There are so many things going on in Bristol Heights, and so little time to do it all.  Your BHNA president, Joe LaGue, thought that a bi-weekly neighborhood opportunity might be appreciated and exploited by residents.  Here’s the simple walk and talk idea:

WHEN: Every EVEN NUMBERED Wednesday at 6:30 PM, prompt.  FIRST ONE: June 8th. WHERE: Tapestry ParkWHAT: Take a walk through the community as a group, talking about items of mutual interest that are within the scope of our HOA’s responsibilities.  There are numerous amenities and features of Bristol Heights we can visit and discuss.  This is a loosely structured 30 to 60 minute excursion.WHO: Any resident is welcome. Typically, a knowledgeable board member or committee member will be in the group. Socially adapted dogs are certainly welcome too.WHY: It’s a wonderful multi-task opportunity: 1) A good walk; 2) A far better forum to exchange thoughts and ideas than social media; 3) A potential incubator for ideas that better our community and quality of life; 4) Becoming familiar with everything that is the Bristol Heights Neighborhood Association! 

We hope to see you June 8th at 6:30 PM at the main Tapestry park.

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