Watering and Fences
April 29, 2019
All property owners and residents should review the important information about irrigation water, including the 2019 watering schedule, on the Watering page.
If you are a homeowner with a fence that borders a common area, you are 100% responsible for the maintenance of the fence. The Association does not share any fence maintenance responsibility with any homeowner. All such owners should review and adhere to the important information on the new Fences page.

Irrigation Water is On!
April 20, 2019
Water from the Zinger Lateral is now flowing through Bristol Heights. Residents are asked to be patient, as it can take a week or two to make sure the system is operating correctly. Occasionally, maintenance is required to the main system, resulting in a need to shut off the water to the entire neighborhood. More frequently, shut-off valve failures at individual properties lead to water outages in isolated areas of the neighborhood.
If you are experiencing no or low water pressure, call 208-323-1080 & press 2 to hear current information on irrigation issues that may be affecting the neighborhood. If there are no issues reported, then the problem may be local to your property's system.
PLEASE NOTE: Each residence has an individual shut-off valve which is prone to failure over time. Such failures are a major cause of irrigation service interruption to the entire neighborhood. It is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure the shut-off valve is in good working order. The cost of repairs for faulty shut-off valves is the responsibility of individual homeowners.
Land Development on Three Sides of Bristol Heights
March 22, 2019
There may be more potential construction surrounding us in the near future than we have seen in nearly two decades.
Three Corners Ranch to our west
Audra Commons, being revisited once again, to our south
Chinden/Hwy. 20/26 corridor expansion to our north
With regard to the two residential properties we are passing along some timely information:
SHORT NOTICE: Three Corners Ranch and ON-SITE Meeting
Marcel Lopez of Conger Management Group, representing the Three Corners Ranch developer, is inviting interested neighbors to another meeting.
Monday, March 25, 2019
6:00 pm
(Access via Locust Grove and E. Dunwoody Ct.)
CLICK HERE for the official notice of this neighborhood meeting.
Three Corners Ranch Subdivision Update and ACHD Commission Meeting
The Ada County Highway District is also holding a review meeting for the proposed Three Corners Ranch subdivision. The meeting will be held at:
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
6:00 pm
Michael L. Brokaw Auditorium
3775 N. Adams Street in Garden City, ID
BHNA members are encouraged to attend this meeting and/or submit your written comments to voice your concerns and suggestions. The link to the agenda page and packet can be accessed by CLICKING HERE.
It is strongly recommended that members review the material in the staff report and its recommendations to the ACHD Commission. Numerous plan views are in the report. In summary, staff recommends a proposed change in the ring road: Connect Sweet Valley to Shandee and Stafford; Barclay would still be connected; Dvorak (Handel) would not be connected. These are only recommendations. They are not yet required conditions.
Note ACHD's traffic estimation:
Trip Generation: This development is estimated to generate 415 additional vehicle trips per day (9 existing); 44 additional vehicle trips per hour in the PM peak hour (1 existing), based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 10th edition.
Audra Commons
On Wednesday, March 20, 2019, ULC Management once again invited interested neighbors to an on-site meeting on Audra Lane (to the south of Bristol Heights). There were approximately 30 individuals present for the 6:00 pm meeting representing Roxey Place, Austin Creek, and Bristol Heights neighborhoods. We had insufficient advance notice to inform members via the web page. This is a new proposed project to build 46 rental units in a 4-plex and 6-plex configuration. Only the parcel south of Audra Lane would be involved and is about half the size of the previous proposal (see More News for information on the previous proposal).
The prospective developer is new. Land Use Planner, Bob Unger, of ULC Management is now working for this new out-of-state builder that intends to relocate to Idaho and manage the multi-family rental property. The meeting was notably less adversarial than the previous meetings held last year by ULC. But due to parking, traffic, and other concerns, the new project is also encountering significant opposition.
CLICK HERE for the new Audra Commons site plan.
Below is some relevant specific information captured at meeting:
Intended as rental properties - not planned for sale
Current zoning L-O, Limited Office (will require re-zoning)
46 two-story units (3 6-plex, 7 4-plex, total of 10 buildings)
46 single car garages
45 open parking spaces
1200 sf/unit
Minimal common area amenities, no play structures or tot lots
Planned BBQ area
Planned Unit Development (PUD) application
Trash pick-up service to individual units
No designated pet station
Existing deed restrictions as Association - Roxey Place II (Commercial)
Shared property and facilities with Roxey Place (the existing SF PUD)
Not anticipated to attract families with young children
Developer shared information and took input
ULC expects to meet Boise Planning April 30, 2019 application deadline
If so, probable Planning & Zoning hearing in May 2019 (updates will be posted as information is received)

Bristol Heights Annual Community Yard Sale
March 22, 2019
Saturday, May 18, 2019
As done in the past, the association will post the banners on Chinden and Eagle. Attendance is always good and this is your opportunity to move some items right from your driveway.
Tentative Irrigation Start-up and Faulty Valves
March 22, 2019
Settlers Irrigation District has released the following information:
“The 2019 tentative water turn-on date for the main Canal is April 8th with deliveries to laterals scheduled to start at the end of that week.”
We expect pressure as early as April 13 for Bristol Heights.
Please inspect or have a professional inspect your irrigation main shut-off valve well in advance of the turn-on date. Each residence has an individual valve which is prone to failure over time and are a major cause of irrigation service interruption to the entire neighborhood. If necessary, please have your valve replaced BEFORE the pressure is turned on.

Three Corners Ranch Development
February 20, 2019
Information about the Three Corners Ranch Development, which involves the undeveloped land west of Bristol Heights, is available at the following links.
The first link is a Public Hearing Notice from the City of Meridian. The public hearing will take place at 6 pm on Thursday, March 7, 2019 at Meridian City Hall.
The second link is an opinion article by Bristol Heights member Ron Santos, and is being published here as a courtesy and community service announcement to alert residents and facilitate communication. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the Association or the Board of Directors. The BHNA Board has not taken a position on the matter.